Poster created for a fundraiser event hosted by Parallax Studio benefiting service dogs training organization NICST (National Institute of Canine Service and Training). (2023)

"Oldies but Goodies" is created to celebrate adult and senior cats. All the cats featured in this poster are above 7 years old, including cats that I've met in real life, my friends' cats and my own kitty. It hurts to see that older cats have a much slimmer chance to be adopted due to their age and physical conditions. In fact, they are just as loving, goofy and cute! I hope more people can see them in a new perspective and motivate more adult/senior cat adoptions. (2015)

"The Happy Place" is THE happy place where animals of all breeds and age have a loving home! All the animals featured here consist of shelter animals that I've met in real life, my friends' adopted pets, and my own.
ADOPT. If you can't adopt, FOSTER. If you can't foster, VOLUNTEER. If you can't volunteer, DONATE. If you can't donate, EDUCATE. (2015)

"Kitten Nursery" is created to bring awareness about the extra help animal shelters need during kitten seasons. (2015)

Not available for print

Poster created for a fundraiser event hosted by Parallax Studio benefiting service dogs training organization NICST (National Institute of Canine Service and Training). (2023)
"Oldies but Goodies" is created to celebrate adult and senior cats. All the cats featured in this poster are above 7 years old, including cats that I've met in real life, my friends' cats and my own kitty. It hurts to see that older cats have a much slimmer chance to be adopted due to their age and physical conditions. In fact, they are just as loving, goofy and cute! I hope more people can see them in a new perspective and motivate more adult/senior cat adoptions. (2015)
"The Happy Place" is THE happy place where animals of all breeds and age have a loving home! All the animals featured here consist of shelter animals that I've met in real life, my friends' adopted pets, and my own.
ADOPT. If you can't adopt, FOSTER. If you can't foster, VOLUNTEER. If you can't volunteer, DONATE. If you can't donate, EDUCATE. (2015)
"Kitten Nursery" is created to bring awareness about the extra help animal shelters need during kitten seasons. (2015)
Not available for print