Hello! I am Astro!
I'm a 3-year-old Pitsky (Husky mix Pit bull). My humans adopted me from Copper's Dream Rescue in June 2014. Before I was surrendered to Copper's Dream, my first family found me on Craigslist but soon abandoned me because they thought I was too mouthy (But this behavior was corrected later on after I got adopted!). When my human found me at the rescue place, she was only planning to foster me, but... foster fail! They gave me a forever home! :)
Ever since then, I've grown into a big healthy boy at 81 lbs! I love running, grass rolling, car riding, belly rubbing and I can kiss and lick any creature until they have too much of my love!!

Hello! I am Dimshi!
I'm a 15 years old cat. My dad adopted me from the Marin Humane Society 7 years ago. My breed is Domestic Shorthair. Yes, that's a breed.
The vets all love me and tells my dad how well I behaved. I was a street cat. I have a big scar on my left arm from my cage fight against a pitbull so my finders named me after the legendary boxer, Jack Dempsey. Dimshi is an Asian translation of "Dempsey."

Hello! I am Henry!
I'm a 2-year-old Corgi and German Shepherd mix. I was adopted from Central OK Humane Society in December 2014. My hobbies are belly rubs, digging holes, interrupting important work, and doing unsolicited tricks for attention. Most people call me Hen, because I am so unique that many think I was hatched from an egg!

Hello! I am Cocopuff!
I'm a 5-year-old Seal Point Siamese. I was recovered from Madera Animal Control right before being euthanized. And after that my family found me at Petco in November 2012 and gave me forever home! I'm very curious, friendly, and easy going. Oh, I love tummy rubs! And I'll high-five for Japanese dried seaweed!!!

Hello! I am Pinkie!
I'm a 4-year-old Terrie mix (maybe a little Dobby the house elf). I was adopted from Dogs Without Borders Rescue in 2014.
Here's my little story: I was actually originally rescued from a hoarder, living with about 140 other dogs. When the people got caught they fled (still have not been caught) so all of us began eating rocks or whatever we could find. I'm missing a good bit of teeth because of it. Luckily, I got placed in a rescue. I was feral, and totally bald because of mange, and just a generally sick dog... My family basically took in a little pink feral mouse-dog and rehabilitated me into a loving cuddle monster!
I LOVE my family, but mostly my "brother", the other dog in our house. And I love to hang out with our cats and chickens!

Hello! I am Tomo!
I am sad not to be here on earth but I still communicate with my mom. Back in 1998, my mom adopted me from the Marin Cat Connection. I was one of 5 black cats and when I saw my mom I climbed to the top of the cage so she would see me. I really didn't want to leave this earth but I had cancer and life was not so good. But I just communicated to my mom that I will be coming back to her as another kitten!

Hello! I am Sweet Pea!
I'm a Chihuahua and Shitsu mix, weighing 9 lbs or so. Nobody really knows my age but they're guessing around 8-10 years old.
I was dumped at the shelter to be euthanized. I had a huge hernia hanging from my belly and could barely walk. My hind legs were bull legged from having the hernia for so long. I was not spayed. They are fairly certain I was a puppy mill breeder from my condition and not being spayed. I was taken to a marvelous vet in Fremont. He removed my hernia, spayed me and cleaned me up.
The kind folks at BrightHaven (www.brighthaven.org) were going to keep me there until I adjusted and then adopt me to a forever, loving home. BUT... they fell in love with me, and couldn’t bear to adopt me out! Now I'm living happily with a bunch of animals and human friends there.
Everybody says I'm such a loving, fun and spirited soul that you’d never know I had been dumped at a shelter to be killed.

Hello! I am Tony!
You probably can't tell from my look that I'm 17 years old. I'm part Norwegian Forest and was adopted from Humane Society in 2003. I am a docile furry beast that loves people and can't get enough attention and pets. I love bow ties and my favorite treat is cat broths. I'm very photogenic. I am always coming up with new places to relax and poses for the camera. People love me because I'm such an easy going cat and I have a big personality!

Hello! We are Tantan and Meimei!
Once strays, we were both rescued from the street in Hong Kong.
Tantan here! I'm a 4 and a half year-old mutt (the best breed). Mommy picked me up from the street in 2012 and took me home. I'm a happy boy. I like to smile, eat and play. I love kissing my parents and my sister Meimei. My favorite thing to do is walking with my family in the village we live, feeding other street dogs every day.
Meimei here! I'm a 3 and a half year-old mutt rescued by mommy in 2013. I love sleeping and playing with my stuff toys, playing hide-and-seek with my brother Tantan. Oh, I love swimming, too!

Hello! I am Pepper!
I'm approximately 12 years old. I weigh about 10lbs now but I was only 4lbs when mommy found me on the street in 2016. She picked me up in the yard of an abandoned house in West Oakland when my previous human got evicted and ditched me there.
I love tuna fish and sleeping in my new soft feather bed. I'm an old lady, so I like to rest most of the time. But when I'm awake I spend my time riding on my mommy's shoulder while she putters around the house. My new pals recognize me by my 50/50 split coloration on my wittle face. Chocolate and vanilla, half and half.. right down the middle!!!

Hello! I am Isis, also known as Bear!
I'm a 16-year-old super mutt! My mom found me when visiting the shelter with a friend. When her friend became excited about a different dog, my mom wandered until she came to my cage. I loved her at first sight and licked her hands over and over. She asked the attendant about the red tag on my cage and found out it meant I had only 3 days left to be adopted or I would be put to eternal sleep. She didn't take me home that day but showed up on my last day and saved me! She said it was because I was too good a dog to move on so soon. We have spent 15+ years together, I get to go to work with her everyday to our clothing shop in San Francisco called Five and Diamond. I'm in good health and hope to live to be the oldest dog on Earth!

Hello! I am Dommi! (Brother of Dimshi)
I'm 10 years old, weigh about 12lbs and was adopted from the Marin Humane Society in 2013.
I am an MMA fighter. Only my father can beat me at my ground game. Bring me any 12lbs cat and I guarantee you I will twist him into a pretzel. I can jump 64" inches in the air like Tony Jaa. I want nothing more than to go outside and find a worthy opponent, like Ryu from street fighter. But my dad says there's opponents I am yet ready for. Someone by the name of Coyote. When I'm ready, I will find this coyote and beat him into submission. I swear it!

Hello! I am Cosmo!
I was adopted in 2015 when I was 2 years old from Last Chance at Life Rescue.
I live in sunny San Diego and I love going to the park and playing fetch with a ball or frisbee. I also love the beach, but I can't swim! I have a lot of friends that I like to go hiking with. My humans love exploring new places with me. I never bark unless the mailman comes to our door and I love snuggling with my human in the morning.
Check out my adventures on instagram: www.instagram.com/cosmo.the.boxer/

Hello! I am Sachi!
I was adopted from Taiwan. This organization called HARA (http://www.harasf.org/) posted an ad on craigslist, that's was where my mommy saw it. They rescue dogs from street and high kill shelters, treat us in animal hospital, foster us and fly us out all the way to San Francisco for adoption! I was put into a high kill shelter when my previous humans got a divorce. Luckily, someone rescued me from being close to getting put down. And now I get a second chance with my new family.
I'm told I'm a sweetheart. I listen to commands very well and love to run around the park. I love people and other dogs! My best friend is my adopted husky mix sister Yuki. We love chasing and playing with other. Life is good :)

Hello! I am Angelo Piccolo!
I'm about 6 years old and was adopted from the San Francisco SPCA in 2012. I'm more like a dog than a cat. I used to live on the mean streets. They captured me at least twice before I found my forever home. They even took a notch out of my ear so the humans would know I had been fixed. I went home on Valentine's weekend 4 years ago and never looked back! I actually can't because I'm blind ;) But that doesn't stop me from having all of the fun I can. I live in the country now and spend my days lounging in the sun and watching squirrels.

Hello! I'm Uko!
I'm almost 20 years old and was adopted by mommy from the Marin Cat Connection back in 1997. I was one to two cats. My brother was orange. My biological mother was a feral cat. I am extremely smart and can let my owners know exactly what I want and need. Now that I am old they have ramps so I can sleep in my favorite chair and sleep in the bed right next to my mom.
** Uko has peacefully crossed the rainbow bridge in March 2017 in the company of her beloved family

Hello! I am Casper!
I'm almost 9 years old and was adopted from the Peninsula Humane Society in 2014. My meowmy is the illustrator of My Dirty Paws and I'm proud to be her inspiration. Here's what she has to say:
"He is my first cat ever and has shown me how wrong I was with all the bias I've had towards cats in the past. He is extremely affectionate, calm, sweet, and mellow. He came into my life when I was going through a difficult dark time and gave me strength. He inspires me in my art. He brings out the softest and protective side of myself. All by simply being himself. When people tell me, how lucky Casper is to have a loving home. I always instinctively say, I am the lucky one! I truly feel blessed he picked me to be his guardian."

Hello! I am Astro!
I'm a 3-year-old Pitsky (Husky mix Pit bull). My humans adopted me from Copper's Dream Rescue in June 2014. Before I was surrendered to Copper's Dream, my first family found me on Craigslist but soon abandoned me because they thought I was too mouthy (But this behavior was corrected later on after I got adopted!). When my human found me at the rescue place, she was only planning to foster me, but... foster fail! They gave me a forever home! :)
Ever since then, I've grown into a big healthy boy at 81 lbs! I love running, grass rolling, car riding, belly rubbing and I can kiss and lick any creature until they have too much of my love!!
Hello! I am Dimshi!
I'm a 15 years old cat. My dad adopted me from the Marin Humane Society 7 years ago. My breed is Domestic Shorthair. Yes, that's a breed.
The vets all love me and tells my dad how well I behaved. I was a street cat. I have a big scar on my left arm from my cage fight against a pitbull so my finders named me after the legendary boxer, Jack Dempsey. Dimshi is an Asian translation of "Dempsey."
Hello! I am Henry!
I'm a 2-year-old Corgi and German Shepherd mix. I was adopted from Central OK Humane Society in December 2014. My hobbies are belly rubs, digging holes, interrupting important work, and doing unsolicited tricks for attention. Most people call me Hen, because I am so unique that many think I was hatched from an egg!
Hello! I am Cocopuff!
I'm a 5-year-old Seal Point Siamese. I was recovered from Madera Animal Control right before being euthanized. And after that my family found me at Petco in November 2012 and gave me forever home! I'm very curious, friendly, and easy going. Oh, I love tummy rubs! And I'll high-five for Japanese dried seaweed!!!
Hello! I am Pinkie!
I'm a 4-year-old Terrie mix (maybe a little Dobby the house elf). I was adopted from Dogs Without Borders Rescue in 2014.
Here's my little story: I was actually originally rescued from a hoarder, living with about 140 other dogs. When the people got caught they fled (still have not been caught) so all of us began eating rocks or whatever we could find. I'm missing a good bit of teeth because of it. Luckily, I got placed in a rescue. I was feral, and totally bald because of mange, and just a generally sick dog... My family basically took in a little pink feral mouse-dog and rehabilitated me into a loving cuddle monster!
I LOVE my family, but mostly my "brother", the other dog in our house. And I love to hang out with our cats and chickens!
Hello! I am Tomo!
I am sad not to be here on earth but I still communicate with my mom. Back in 1998, my mom adopted me from the Marin Cat Connection. I was one of 5 black cats and when I saw my mom I climbed to the top of the cage so she would see me. I really didn't want to leave this earth but I had cancer and life was not so good. But I just communicated to my mom that I will be coming back to her as another kitten!
Hello! I am Sweet Pea!
I'm a Chihuahua and Shitsu mix, weighing 9 lbs or so. Nobody really knows my age but they're guessing around 8-10 years old.
I was dumped at the shelter to be euthanized. I had a huge hernia hanging from my belly and could barely walk. My hind legs were bull legged from having the hernia for so long. I was not spayed. They are fairly certain I was a puppy mill breeder from my condition and not being spayed. I was taken to a marvelous vet in Fremont. He removed my hernia, spayed me and cleaned me up.
The kind folks at BrightHaven (www.brighthaven.org) were going to keep me there until I adjusted and then adopt me to a forever, loving home. BUT... they fell in love with me, and couldn’t bear to adopt me out! Now I'm living happily with a bunch of animals and human friends there.
Everybody says I'm such a loving, fun and spirited soul that you’d never know I had been dumped at a shelter to be killed.
Hello! I am Tony!
You probably can't tell from my look that I'm 17 years old. I'm part Norwegian Forest and was adopted from Humane Society in 2003. I am a docile furry beast that loves people and can't get enough attention and pets. I love bow ties and my favorite treat is cat broths. I'm very photogenic. I am always coming up with new places to relax and poses for the camera. People love me because I'm such an easy going cat and I have a big personality!
Hello! We are Tantan and Meimei!
Once strays, we were both rescued from the street in Hong Kong.
Tantan here! I'm a 4 and a half year-old mutt (the best breed). Mommy picked me up from the street in 2012 and took me home. I'm a happy boy. I like to smile, eat and play. I love kissing my parents and my sister Meimei. My favorite thing to do is walking with my family in the village we live, feeding other street dogs every day.
Meimei here! I'm a 3 and a half year-old mutt rescued by mommy in 2013. I love sleeping and playing with my stuff toys, playing hide-and-seek with my brother Tantan. Oh, I love swimming, too!
Hello! I am Pepper!
I'm approximately 12 years old. I weigh about 10lbs now but I was only 4lbs when mommy found me on the street in 2016. She picked me up in the yard of an abandoned house in West Oakland when my previous human got evicted and ditched me there.
I love tuna fish and sleeping in my new soft feather bed. I'm an old lady, so I like to rest most of the time. But when I'm awake I spend my time riding on my mommy's shoulder while she putters around the house. My new pals recognize me by my 50/50 split coloration on my wittle face. Chocolate and vanilla, half and half.. right down the middle!!!
Hello! I am Isis, also known as Bear!
I'm a 16-year-old super mutt! My mom found me when visiting the shelter with a friend. When her friend became excited about a different dog, my mom wandered until she came to my cage. I loved her at first sight and licked her hands over and over. She asked the attendant about the red tag on my cage and found out it meant I had only 3 days left to be adopted or I would be put to eternal sleep. She didn't take me home that day but showed up on my last day and saved me! She said it was because I was too good a dog to move on so soon. We have spent 15+ years together, I get to go to work with her everyday to our clothing shop in San Francisco called Five and Diamond. I'm in good health and hope to live to be the oldest dog on Earth!
Hello! I am Dommi! (Brother of Dimshi)
I'm 10 years old, weigh about 12lbs and was adopted from the Marin Humane Society in 2013.
I am an MMA fighter. Only my father can beat me at my ground game. Bring me any 12lbs cat and I guarantee you I will twist him into a pretzel. I can jump 64" inches in the air like Tony Jaa. I want nothing more than to go outside and find a worthy opponent, like Ryu from street fighter. But my dad says there's opponents I am yet ready for. Someone by the name of Coyote. When I'm ready, I will find this coyote and beat him into submission. I swear it!
Hello! I am Cosmo!
I was adopted in 2015 when I was 2 years old from Last Chance at Life Rescue.
I live in sunny San Diego and I love going to the park and playing fetch with a ball or frisbee. I also love the beach, but I can't swim! I have a lot of friends that I like to go hiking with. My humans love exploring new places with me. I never bark unless the mailman comes to our door and I love snuggling with my human in the morning.
Check out my adventures on instagram: www.instagram.com/cosmo.the.boxer/
Hello! I am Sachi!
I was adopted from Taiwan. This organization called HARA (http://www.harasf.org/) posted an ad on craigslist, that's was where my mommy saw it. They rescue dogs from street and high kill shelters, treat us in animal hospital, foster us and fly us out all the way to San Francisco for adoption! I was put into a high kill shelter when my previous humans got a divorce. Luckily, someone rescued me from being close to getting put down. And now I get a second chance with my new family.
I'm told I'm a sweetheart. I listen to commands very well and love to run around the park. I love people and other dogs! My best friend is my adopted husky mix sister Yuki. We love chasing and playing with other. Life is good :)
Hello! I am Angelo Piccolo!
I'm about 6 years old and was adopted from the San Francisco SPCA in 2012. I'm more like a dog than a cat. I used to live on the mean streets. They captured me at least twice before I found my forever home. They even took a notch out of my ear so the humans would know I had been fixed. I went home on Valentine's weekend 4 years ago and never looked back! I actually can't because I'm blind ;) But that doesn't stop me from having all of the fun I can. I live in the country now and spend my days lounging in the sun and watching squirrels.
Hello! I'm Uko!
I'm almost 20 years old and was adopted by mommy from the Marin Cat Connection back in 1997. I was one to two cats. My brother was orange. My biological mother was a feral cat. I am extremely smart and can let my owners know exactly what I want and need. Now that I am old they have ramps so I can sleep in my favorite chair and sleep in the bed right next to my mom.
** Uko has peacefully crossed the rainbow bridge in March 2017 in the company of her beloved family
Hello! I am Casper!
I'm almost 9 years old and was adopted from the Peninsula Humane Society in 2014. My meowmy is the illustrator of My Dirty Paws and I'm proud to be her inspiration. Here's what she has to say:
"He is my first cat ever and has shown me how wrong I was with all the bias I've had towards cats in the past. He is extremely affectionate, calm, sweet, and mellow. He came into my life when I was going through a difficult dark time and gave me strength. He inspires me in my art. He brings out the softest and protective side of myself. All by simply being himself. When people tell me, how lucky Casper is to have a loving home. I always instinctively say, I am the lucky one! I truly feel blessed he picked me to be his guardian."